A prototype for a tactical RPG I want to make in the future, made in the Dragon Ruby engine. I learned a lot by making this and want to prototype some other game ideas I have, but thought I should at least release this first. There is no real way to win or lose, all but two specials haven't been implemented and there's even a bug that softlocks the game after a few units are defeated. It's because of all this I didn't want to release the prototype, but I feel like doing so is the only way I'll have any closure. I think I'll improve more if I move on from this and continue to learn about development than if I keep trying to work out all the bugs and turn this into a finished product.


Mouse: select units, look at them, press screen buttons etc.

WASD: Move selected units (hold L to change direction without moving)

J, C: Confirm

K, X: Cancel

Select your character and move them. To attack, walk up to an enemy unit and hit Confirm. Special Attacks (Mori, Kori only) can be activated by selecting the Special button before attacking and require full energy. There is no enemy AI, so you'll have to control Player 2 yourself or get someone to play with you.

Please give the prototype a try and tell me what you think! Any feedback would be helpful, as this is the first time I've done something like this.

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